hi, i’m emma.

Welcome to your virtual and in-person yoga sanctuary that offers a practice beyond the physical. Explore yoga as a healing modality to cope with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and other daily challenges. Whether it’s through movement, breathwork, or off-the-mat practices, I’ve got you covered from here.

I’m so glad you’re here.

My why.

My intention is to offer a practice that allows you to release attachment to the ‘shoulds’ and find ease within yourself.

What I do.

I hold space for you to explore what comes up when you slow down.

Anything but Asana

Asana is a Sanskrit word meaning “posture” or “seat.” It’s the physical practice of yoga that we often find in studio classes, on YouTube, etc.

Anything But Asana is a guide on how to integrate “off-the-mat” yoga practices seamlessly into your daily life.

Why should you care?

  • Regulate your nervous system

  • Re-align with yourself and purpose

  • Accept your release of control